EVP Key Derivation

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Key derivation is the process of deriving one or more secret keys from a secret value such as a password or a passphrase. Several key derivation algoirthms have been standardized, and they are usually referred to a Key Derivation Functions (KDFs). KDFs include PBKDF2 from RFC 2898, HKDF form RFC 5869 and Scrypt from RFC 7914.

OpenSSL 1.0.2 and above provides PBKDF2 by way of PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC and PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1.

OpenSSL 1.1.0 and above additionally provides HKDF and TLS1 PRF KDF by way of EVP_PKEY_derive and Scrypt by way of EVP_PBE_scrypt

OpenSSL 1.1.1 and above additionally provides Scrypt by way of EVP_PKEY_derive.

OpenSSL 3.0 additionally provides Single Step KDF, SSH KDF, PBKDF2, Scrypt, HKDF, ANSI X9.42 KDF, ANSI X9.63 KDF and TLS1 PRF KDF by way of EVP_KDF.

From OpenSSL 3.0 the recommended way of performing key derivation is to use the EVP_KDF functions. If compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.1 is required then a limited set of KDFs can be used via EVP_PKEY_derive.

HKDF key derivation

The following example derives a key and initialization vector using HKDF from RFC 5869 and SHA-256. HKDF was designed by Krawczyk and Eronen, and it is state of the art in expand-then-extract key derivation algorithms. It is usually a good choice when you need a KDF. The program below was taken from the OpenSSL man pages.

HKDF takes three parameter:

  • secret - private information to use during derivation, like a password or passphrase. The parameter is set using EVP_KDF_CTRL_SET_KEY.
  • salt - possibly public information to use during derivation. salt is optional. The parameter is set using EVP_KDF_CTRL_SET_SALT.
  • info - additional, possibly public information to use during derivation. info is optional. The parameter is set using EVP_KDF_CTRL_ADD_HKDF_INFO.
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/kdf.h>
#include <openssl/params.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    EVP_KDF *kdf;
    EVP_KDF_CTX *kctx = NULL;
    unsigned char derived[32];
    OSSL_PARAM params[5], *p = params;

    /* Find and allocate a context for the HKDF algorithm */
    if ((kdf = EVP_KDF_fetch(NULL, "hkdf", NULL)) == NULL) {
    kctx = EVP_KDF_CTX_new(kdf);
    EVP_KDF_free(kdf);    /* The kctx keeps a reference so this is safe */
    if (kctx == NULL) {

    /* Build up the parameters for the derivation */
    *p++ = OSSL_PARAM_construct_utf8_string("digest", "sha256", (size_t)7);
    *p++ = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string("salt", "salt", (size_t)4);
    *p++ = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string("key", "secret", (size_t)6);
    *p++ = OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string("info", "label", (size_t)5);
    *p = OSSL_PARAM_construct_end();
    if (EVP_KDF_CTX_set_params(kctx, params) <= 0) {

    /* Do the derivation */
    if (EVP_KDF_derive(kctx, derived, sizeof(derived), NULL) <= 0) {

    /* Use the 32 bytes as a Key and IV */
    const unsigned char *key = derived+0;
    const unsigned char  *iv = derived+16;
    printf("Key: ");
    for (size_t i=0; i<16; ++i)
        printf("%02x ", key[i]);

    printf("IV:  ");
    for (size_t i=0; i<16; ++i)
        printf("%02x ", iv[i]);


    return 0;

You can compile the program using C99 with the following command.

openssl$ gcc -std=c99 test.c -o test.exe -l:libcrypto.a -pthread -ldl

Running the program results in the following output.

$ ./test.exe
Key: 2a c4 36 9f 52 59 96 f8 de 13 73 1f 56 22 4f 34
IV:  df 0e 4c 96 ca a9 3b fd ec cf 23 7b 50 39 c8 db